Use the links to access further advice on child health:
- Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service: https://essexfamilywellbeing.co.uk/
- Southend Health Visitors and School Nurses Service: https://www.southend.gov.uk/homepage/391/health-visitors-and-school-nurses
- Thurrock 0-19 Brighter Futures Healthy Families service & Children’s Centres: https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/services-thurrock-brighter-futures-healthy-families/
The Boloh Helpline offers free, confidential advice in multiple languages to help support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children, young people and their families.
Go to https://helpline.barnardos.org.uk or call 0800 151 2605
For urgent or long-lasting medical problems, the NHS 111 service provides:
- Access to local healthcare services
- Medication options
- Scheduling of face-to-face appointments
- Guidance on when to access the emergency services
Their online services also provide advice for children over 5. Go to https://111.nhs.uk