A new network is working to improve care for people with diabetes and a learning disability across Mid and South Essex.
The Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership Diabetes Champion Community Network is seeking volunteers to become Diabetes Champions.
Their role is to provide support, encouragement, education and signposting around diabetes to people whose learning disability (LD) means they have a significantly reduced ability to understand and manage their diabetes.
Diabetes is more prevalent in people with learning disabilities than in the general population. It is estimated that there are around 400 with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in the Mid and South Essex LD community. They may take longer than others to learn about their diabetes care and need more support.
The project is led by Charlotte Brotherwood, Diabetes Champion Co-ordinator (Learning Disabilities) for the Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership.
The Diabetes Champion Community Network meets monthly online. The Network is open to anyone interested in making diabetes care better for people with learning disabilities. If you are a health professional, someone with a learning disability, a carer or you are looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity, please come and join the next virtual coffee morning on Wednesday 23 February from 11am-12noon.
Future dates:
- Wed 30th March
- Wed 27th April
- Wed 25th May
- Wed 22nd June
- Wed 20th July
- Wed 17th August
Our Diabetes Champions do not need specialist knowledge of diabetes or experience in working/caring for people with Learning Disabilities as training and support will be given.
Network meetings are friendly forums with presentations, discussions on diabetes care and where the lived experiences of people with learning disabilities and diabetes are listened to so that care can be improved. Network members include health professionals, organisations delivering services for people with diabetes/learning disabilities, Diabetes UK, service users, their carers and volunteers.
You can join via this MS Teams meeting link: https://tinyurl.com/2p8vfr2t
or scan this QR code with your mobile device

For more information contact [email protected]